Working Through the Bible

Working Through the Bible is a Bible study workbook which reviews important doctrinal highlights throughout the Bible. The study begins with the first mention of the gospel in Genesis, then tracks God's plan of salvation in the life of Abraham and also in the Israelite nation. It explains the significance of the Old and New Covenants, the establishment of the kingdom of God, the details of the Law of Christ, and other interesting biblical concepts and places. It is an especially useful guide for discipling those who want to be obedient disciples of Christ.
$10.95 (66 pages)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Bible
2. God Creates Mankind as His Offspring
3. God Tests Adam’s Loyalty to Him
4. Adam Fails the Test of Loyalty
5. God’s Gospel Promises
6. God’s Plan of Salvation
7. Aspects of God’s Plan of Salvation
8. God’s Plan to Create the New Earth
9. Abraham, the Father of All Believers
10. Abraham is Tested By God
11. The Israelites Walk in Abraham’s Steps of Faith
12. The Israelites and the Old Covenant
13. The Israelites Lose Their Inheritance
14. Application of Aspects of Salvation to Believers
15. Gifts of Salvation
16. The Book of Life
17. Gift Righteousness vs. Earned Righteousness
18. End of the Old Covenant
19. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom from Heaven
20. The Beginning of the New Covenant
21. The New Covenant is Better
22. The New Covenant is Similar, Yet Very Different
23. Jesus’ New Ten Commandments
24. Spiritual Maturity
25. Fruit of the Spirit and Fruit of a Disciple
Hades, Abode of the Dead
27. Paradise, Abode of the Righteous
28. Gehenna, Abode of Unfaithful Covenant People
29. Lake of Fire, Everlasting Abode of Unbelievers
30. New Earth, Everlasting Abode of All Believers
31. New Jerusalem, Inheritance of Faithful Covenant People
32. The Economy of the New Covenant

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