Salvation: Rescue & Restoration

Salvation: Rescue & Restoration is a fresh examination of what the Word of God teaches about salvation. God's Word presents a different outlook from the current popular religious traditions and theological theories of salvation. The Bible describes a "salvation" which goes beyond just accepting Jesus Christ as one's Savior. Starting with Genesis 3:15, God's Word presents salvation as having two aspects: rescue from sin and restoration to all the privileges which mankind originally enjoyed. The doctrine of salvation taught in the Bible begins with justification by faith, but also includes redemption, restoration, election, and justification by works to obtain God's promises of rest, rewards, and inheritance in the Kingdom of God.
$19.95 (361 pages)

Table of Contents
1. God’s Purpose for Humanity
- Describing God's Purpose for Humanity
- Accomplishing God's Purpose for Humanity
2. God’s Good Creation . . . Ruined
- God's Provision for Mankind's Need for Purpose
- God's Provision for Mankind's Physical Needs
- God's Provision for Mankind's Intellectual Needs
- God's Provision for Mankind's Spiritual Needs
- God's Provision for Mankind's Autonomy
- God's Provision for Mankind's Choices to be Meaningful
3. God’s Plan to Rescue and Restore
- God's Promise of Salvation
- Overview of God's Plan of Salvation
- Rejection of God's Promise of Salvation
4. God’s Gospel to Abraham
- God Calls Abraham
- God Presents the Gospel to Abraham
- Abraham Believes God
- Abraham is Justified by Faith
5. God’s Rewards for Abraham
- Abraham's Obedience
- Abraham's Initial Rewards
- Abraham's Covenants
- Abraham's Big Test
- Abraham's Endurance
- Abraham's Compensation
- Abraham's Justification by Works
- Abraham's Everlasting Rewards
6. God’s Redeemed People
- Israelites in Bondage
- God Calls the Israelites
- Israelites Believe God
- God Redeems the Israelites
- God Institutes the Passover
- Song of the Redeemed
7. God’s Chosen People
- God Tests the Israelites
- God Chooses the Israelites
- The Meaning of "Chosen"
- God Punishes the Chosen Israelites
- God Disinherits the Chosen First Generation
- God Rewards the Chosen Second Generation
- The Israelites are to be our Examples
8. God’s Chosen Kings
- Saul: a Bad Example of God's Chosen King
- David: a Good Example of God's Chosen King
- God Rewards His Chosen King
9. God’s Chosen Places
- The Garden of Eden
- The Promised Land
- The City of Jerusalem
- Mount Zion and the New Jerusalem
10. God’s Chosen Servants
- God's Friend, Knowing His Will
- God's People, Hearing and Obeying His Will
- God's Prophets, Proclaiming His Will
- God's Messiah, Accomplishing His Will
11. God’s New Creations
- Why is God Waiting
- What is God's Plan
- How God Fulfills His Promises
12. God Restores Man
- The "Old Man"
- The "Seed of the Woman"
- The "Firstborn"
- The "New Man"
- A "New Creation"
- A "Child of God"
13. God Restores His People
- Three Figures of the People of God
- Scattering of the People of God
- Regathering of the People of God
14. God Restores the Kingdom
- Promises of a Kingdom for Israel
- Golden Age of the Kingdom of Israel
- End of the Kingdom of Israel
- Promises to Restore the Kingdom of Israel
- Restoration of the Kingdom of Israel
15. God Restores Earth
- Refreshing and Restoring of Earth
- Destruction of the Material Universe
- Creation of the New Earth
16. God Rewards His Son
- The Inheritance of the Messiah
- The Rewards of a Believer

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