Parables of the Kingdom from Heaven

Parables of the Kingdom from Heaven is a Bible study of the Parables of Jesus concerning the Kingdom from Heaven. John the Baptist and then Jesus preach, "Repent for the Kingdom from Heaven is within your grasp." Jesus teaches about His Kingdom through parables which are extended metaphors and not always easy to understand. Jesus teaches parables so that His disciples who "follow" Him would hear His instructions, obey, and enter the Kingdom from Heaven, while those "outside" would hear God's Word, but not understand. Those "outside" are religious, but are holding on to their forefathers' traditions, instead of listening to God's "Messenger of the Covenant."
$19.95 (212 pages)

1 – The Importance of Repentance
-“Generation of Vipers”
-“A Tree Not Producing Good Fruit”
-“Burning Up the Chaff”
2 – The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
3 – The Bridegroom and New Wine in Old Wineskins
-“The Bridegroom”
-“New Wine in Old Wineskins”
4 – True Repentance and Fickle Children
5 – A Divided Kingdom, a Strong Man, and One’s Fruit
-“A Kingdom Divided Against Itself”
-“A Strong Man”
-“The Fruit of a Tree”
6 – The Soils Sown with Seed
-The Pathway Soil
-The Stony Soil
-The Thorny Soil
-The Good Soil
7 – Tares Sown Among the Wheat and The Dragnet
-“Tares Sown Among the Wheat”
-“The Dragnet”
8 – The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
-“The Mustard Seed”
-“The Leaven in the Meal"
9 – Hidden Treasure, the Pearl, and a Discipled Scribe
-“The Hidden Treasure”
-“The Pearl of Great Price”
-“The Treasures of a Discipled Scribe”
10 – The Blind Leading the Blind
11 – The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son
-“The Lost Sheep”
-“The Lost Coin”
-“The Lost Son”
12 – The Unforgiving Forgiven Servant
13 – Everlasting Inheritance and Righteous Rewards
-The Question of the Rich Young Man
-The Parable of “The Generous Landowner”
14 – Weddings, Feasts, and Wedding Garments
-Places of Honor
-“The Great Supper”
-“The Wedding Feast”
15 – A Barn, a Tower, and a King’s Campaign
-“The Foolish Barn Builder”
-“The Tower Builder”
-“The King’s Campaign”
16 – The Disciple’s Life and Reward
-A Disciple’s Life
-A Disciple’s Treasure
-A Disciple’s Watchfulness
-A Watchful Disciple’s Reward
17 – The Dishonest, yet Wise, Steward
18 – Signs and The Budding Fig Tree
-“Woes” on the Jewish Leaders and Nation
-The Destruction of the Temple
-The End of the Age
-Signs of His Coming
-“The Budding Fig Tree”
19 –Ten Virgins, a Shut Door, and Saying “Lord, Lord”
-“The Ten Virgins”
-“The Shut Door”
-Those Saying “Lord, Lord”
20 – Eight Talents and Ten Minas
-“The Talents”
-“The Ten Minas”
21 – The Sheep and the Goats
22 – A Final Opportunity to Repent
-“The Barren Fig Tree”
-“The Two Disobedient Sons”
-“The Wicked Vinedressers”
-“Cutting the Tree to its Roots”

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